Oversized Haulage and The Next Freight company

Oversized Haulage transport is regulated by the provisions of the Road Traffic Act of June 20, 1997. Pursuant to Art. 64 section 1, the movement of an oversize vehicle is allowed under the following conditions:

1) Obtaining a permit for the passage of a non-standard vehicle of an appropriate category, issued, by way of an administrative decision, by the competent authority (in the case of a non-standard vehicle belonging to the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, provided that a military permit for road passage is obtained, issued by the competent military authority);

2) Compliance with the travel conditions specified in the permit to Oversized Haulage;

3) Piloting the passage of an oversized vehicle under the conditions and in the manner specified in the regulations issued under the Act, including the required number of vehicles equipped and marked in accordance with these regulations (piloting of oversized transport is specified in the regulation of the Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy of May 23 2012 on piloting non-standard vehicles); Oversized Haulage is in our offer!